Interior Arrangement and Redesign

Interior redesign is the art of  restyling what you own.  We use your existing accessories and furniture and repurpose them, creating a whole new look.

Interior arrangement is our expertise and what we're trained heavily on.  Depending on where you have placed a piece of furniture has a huge impact on a room and its setting.  A room with the “correct” furniture placement can make a small room look bigger, also it can bring some, oohs and ahhs when company comes over. 

Let us redesign your room to its fullest potential.  Your room will look like it never has before. 

After furniture placement, we will bring together all the décor to pull the room together.  We will also recommend design ideas that you can purchase to enhance your room even more!  We always leave a list of suggestions of how you can enhance your home even more, or we can do it for you. 

Let us help you achieve the greatest look for your room.  Call us for a consultation today!

One-Day Makeovers

A quick way to change your room!  Everything done for you by Your House 2 Home.  Let us transform your room with all of your existing décor.  We will “shop your home” until we find exactly what we know will look good in your room.  Whether it’s your dining room, kitchen or bath, we will make it look “model” ready. 

We also carry décor and products in case you would like to purchase them.  Let us show off your home through a different light.  It’s quick and an inexpensive way to make a bold statement without spending a lot of money.

Real Estate Staging

Research shows that a staged home sells for 6.9% more and sells in half the time compared to an unstaged home.   From “curb appeal” to the entry way, to the pantry, we will give your house the staged look.  We want to make sure your home has the best “first impression” with each potential buyer. 

Professional training in Real Estate staging has shown us what to put where, de-clutter, de-personalize, and make your home look very desirable to the buyers eye.  It’s an inexpensive way to get that “jump” on your competitors.  Let us show you how.  Call us for a Real Estate staging consultation, or let Your House 2 Home completely stage your home! 

We offer services for:

  • Real Estate Staging
  • Consultations
  • Vacant Home Staging
  • Highlight Staging

Feel confident about putting your house on the market, let us help— it’s easy, quick and a big value for the money.  Don’t let your home go unnoticed.  Show everyone just how beautiful your home can be.

*Realtor Partner Program available.

Decorating Consultations

Having trouble figuring out what looks good where?  Maybe you want to decorate but can’t quite get started?  Let us help!  We can show you where we believe the best place your décor fits.  Let us show you what you can do with your room and the different ways you can do it. 

Even if you don’t want  a full redesign—we sit down with you and tell you what we believe the best potential your room has.  We will give you an outline of items to purchase or if you already have them we show you where to place them. 

We also can shop (personal) for you if you wish.  We will also give you the best color schemes that fit your room.  No doubt, when Your House 2 Home leaves after the consult, you will have an outline for your soon-to-be-decorated room!  It’s a great idea if you want that perfect look for company coming over.

Holiday Decorating

Just think, Christmas comes sooner and sooner each year!  Don’t be stuck not having any Christmas décor out until after Thanksgiving.  Many families are decorating for Christmas now in November rather than December.  Let Your House 2 Home come in your home and put all your Christmas décor out into an orderly appealing fashion.  From decorating the Christmas tree, to personal touches on the mantels and creating beautiful vignettes and table scapes. 

Give us a few hours of your time and we will transform your house into a Christmas miracle.  Sometimes thinking about putting out ALL of the Christmas décor can give you headache!  We gather all of your decor and use it to its fullest potential. Christmas is a time to show off your home interior.  Let me help you by decorating your home for the holidays!

(Reservations available starting in August for holiday decorating.)

Personal Shopping

Let us help you shop for your home. We can first give you ideas of decor for your rooms and color schemes that we think will fit. After we have an idea of what will look good we will go shopping for the perfect piece of decor and furniture for your home. Let us take time off your hands by doing the shopping for you!